Rusty's Story (audiobook)
Why Do They Keep Locking Me Up?
The mind can only look. The heart can sometimes see.
Winner of the Epilepsy Foundation of America’s National Book Award
*There are over sixty-five million people globally who have epilepsy and today most of them, if properly diagnosed and treated – can live normal lives.
Rusty’s Story is a True Story. It’s a story of genuine courage and dignity. A story about what human beings could be at their best in spite of incredible pain and suffering. Rusty’s Story is Carol Gino’s account of the extraordinary life of the woman she undertook to help – the woman who ended up teaching her an invaluable lesson about the will to live, the strength of hope...
The doctors made mistakes with Rusty – some very big mistakes. But it wasn’t so much a shocking misdiagnosis as it was a misdiagnosis with shocking consequences. The diagnosis was that Rusty was paranoid schizophrenic. And because of that diagnosis, because of that label, Rusty was committed to a state mental hospital on and off for over seven years.
But the doctors were wrong.
What Rusty really had was epilepsy. And because they were unable to see that, she was locked up at the age of fifteen and prevented from living a reasonably normal life. Rusty used to wonder if she would make it through the day, seeing danger in everyday living. She was twenty when Carol Gino met her and learned of her past ordeals: the stigma of mental illness, the drugs that took away her self-control, the treatments that only worsened her symptoms. Carol and Rusty set out to prove that illness can be overcome, and that there is no substitute for love and care.
Check out what people are saying about this book
"This is a must read for all people who have either children or relatives with problems of this nature. It is vitally important to be informed as that is the basis of being able to help and understand the sheer frustration of working and living with someone who has problems. The Book is very well written so as to be easily understood, is full of insights into the issues and how to best assist in giving the best possible help when and where it is necessary. A great resource for those of us who have direct contact on a day to day basis with our loved ones that are suffering, mostly in silence or frustration."
"While many advancements have been made in understanding and treating epilepsy, the disease is still surrounded by an aura of dread. Rusty was a teenager when she was stricken with epilepsy. Misdiagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, for years she suffered more from inappropriate medical treatment than from her condition. The reader is mesmerized as Gino passionately relates Rusty’s plight. Despite repeated incarcerations in a frightful state mental institution and the toxic effects of drugs, she never lost her sense of humanity or her strong desire to help others..."
Helene Fuld Medical Center Lib., Trenton, N.J.
"Beautifully written, full of sympathy, empathy, warmth, drama, and tragedy…a gripping story... well worth reading whether or not you are in the healing professions…"
Professor, Neurology & Pediatrics, The John Hopkins Hospital
"The true story of one young woman’s nightmare battle with epilepsy, told by the registered nurse with whom she lived. Gino first meets Barbara Russell (Rusty) when Rusty is 19 and they are both working at a nursing home. Four years earlier, Rusty was diagnosed as having severe epilepsy. Even with medication, the blackouts and seizures continued. After one violent seizure, she attempted suicide and was placed in a mental hospital, with brutal guards, violent patients, and lack of adequate care. Only Rusty’s strength and belief in herself helped her survive..."
"The patient asks. 'How will I know if I’m crazy?' And the doctor answers, 'If you can ask that question you are probably OK.' But what if you ask and there is no one listening? Or what if your body is doing things that scare people and you have no control over it? That is exactly what happens in this true story, “Rusty’s Story”. There isn’t any fairy tale ending. This is real life. All there is, is hope. I like that."
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